We have a great pleasure to announce that our internet web site is already accessible at the new European address .EU, administered by the European Registry of Internet Domain Names (EURid).
For every company the most important is its address with a national domain, in our case www.furniko.pl , however to create effectively our mark in Europe and on the world markets the following addresses are very useful: www.furniko.eu i www.furniko.com
Within the SPOWKP programme we finished our new investment project, supported with the European Union funds.
We bought two modern HOMAG machines:
We completed a contract for a delivery and installation of furniture in a new headquarters building of PROKOM SOFTWARE SA in Gdynia.
Within the contract we furnished executive rooms of the Board of Directors, operative workstations, social and reception rooms.
Zakończyliśmy realizację kontraktu na dostawę mebli na wyposażenie biur i pomieszczeń socjalnych na libijskich polach naftowych.
Kontrakt realizowaliśmy wspólnie z naszym maltańskim partnerem, który zapewnił między innymi montaż mebli na miejscu. Z portu w Gdyni wypłynęło łącznie sześć czterdziesto stopowych kontenerów wypełnionych naszymi meblami. Meble trafiły na pola naftowe między innymi w Tobruku, Tripoli, Benghazi, Nafura i Hamada. Inwestor bardzo dobrze ocenił realizację kontraktu.
FURNIKO completed a contract for a delivery and installation of office furniture in a new building of the Polish Press Agency at 6 /8 Bracka str. in Warsaw.
We furnished over 300 workstations and several conference rooms.
A certificate audit carried by RW TUV GmbH confirmed that FURNIKO complies with EN ISO 9001:2000 norms, in project making, production process, sales and assembly of office furniture.
We have great pleasure to announce that our Top Office system was awarded a European Medal in the 6th edition of a promotional competition organized by the European Integration Committee and Business Centre Club.
We have great pleasure to announce that our MOBIL@R system was awarded a European Medal in the 5th edition of a promotional competition organized by the European Integration Committee and Business Centre Club.
Our stand in Cologne, at the biggest world fair event in the field of office furniture.
ORGATEC fair is another important fair on our list. The results of our participation in the fair are very positive. We had a lot of interesting meetings, and made fruitful business contacts. Our exposition was found to be very interesting.
We have great pleasure to announce, that our office furniture system MOBIL@R was awarded the ‘’ Good Design 2001’’ distinction.
This prestigious distinction is granted by a committee of experts of the Industrial Design Institute for products of very special design.